Model: Hasina Begum
Hair: Georgia Couzens
Photography: Gregory Couzens
Before you visit your favourite hair salon and request ‘ highlights’ please take some time to find out what type of highlights are available: balayage, foil highlights, sombré, ombré.
When it comes to brunette hair and highlights you have many options, the most difficult part is deciding what is right for you.
A growing favourite is a sweet spot right in the middle of blonde and brunette, named ‘bronde’ - and it can look fabulous.
A perfect example is when Hasina Begum made an appointment with Georgia Couzens, a senior technician at Couzens Hair Salon in Rochdale town centre.Hasina took in a photograph showing a perfect bronde - cool tones on brunette.
Hasina has naturally dark hair at the roots and a lighter colour on the ends that appeared to have yellow tones.
Georgia applied a full head of foils using different colours on the ends and the roots; to unify the colour from roots to the ends.
The next challenge was to take the rest of the hair back to a cool brunette and eliminate the yellow tones.
The final stage was to apply an overall colour to bring all the tones together: cool highlights, natural brunette, with a luxurious sheen.
Bronde requires very little ongoing maintenance, in fact, all it needs is a silver shampoo to keep the gorgeous cool tones.
When you find yourself asking ‘are they blond or brunette?’ you know the salon has succeeded in achieving the perfect shade of bronde.